
Skittish Hearts

Skittish Hearts

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Skittish Hearts

van Jenae Macias

Beschikbaarheid: Geen fysieke voorraad, order wordt gedrukt- levertijd onbekend

  • 14 dagen bedenktijd
  • 100% tevredenheid gegarandeerd
Can the charms of the wild horse ranch bring these two skittish hearts together? The strong merciless fingers that wrapped around her throat and the alcohol-soaked threats whispered in her ear, sent all of Lacey Robertson’s alarms ringing. It was the slap in the face of reality that sent her life on a new path. Causing her to flee the busy life of a head-chef a busy upscale restaurant, trading it in for a peaceful job on a secluded ranch. But the tall, dark-haired cowboy that was her new boss, threatened to cause a whole new kind of turmoil in Lacey’s life. He didn’t need anything else. Grant had enough irons in the fire. With a ranch to run on his own, a kitchen that he barely managed not to burn down every day, and a bone-crushing grief that he somehow managed to keep at bay, the last thing he needed was another problem. And that is exactly what Lacey Robertson was going to be. The longing to lose himself in the comforts of the beautiful woman, made him want to abandon the rules of the ranch and throw caution to the wind.
ISBN 9789464481389
Hoofdtitel Skittish Hearts
Commerciële titel
Categorieën Literaire roman, novelle
Druk 1
Verschijningsvorm Paperback / softback
Verschijningsdatum 25-11-2021
Uitgever Brave New Books
Auteur Jenae Macias
Imprint Brave New Books
Taal English
Illustraties Ja
Pagina's 307
Gewicht 419 gr
Formaat 215 x 135 x 28