
Expect the unexpected

Expect the unexpected


Expect the unexpected

van Arjan de Pauw Gerlings, Bas Poelmann

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  • 14 dagen bedenktijd
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This handbook will help you in preparing your organization for a crisis. With a background in operational crisis management and roots in high risk industries, the PrepTIME system was developed for corporate management in the conviction that a crisis is best managed before the crisis and introduces management games to help large organizations and companies prepare for the unthinkable, in a proactive way. PrepTIME is the first holistic system that also addresses the “How to” instead of just the “What”. Besides preparing your organization for the unthinkable, you’ll find that lessons from the PrepTIME system are very usable in every day management of your organization, making it faster and more efficient. The contrary is not quite applicable however: Your day to day style of management may be very effective for business as usual, but you’ll find that it’s quite inefficient, ineffective during a crisis. This book consists of two parts: Part A and Part B. Part B introduces the PrepTIME system and the intrinsically connected training system. Part A deals with some crisis management basics, which are generic but also applicable to the PrepTIME system. It’s Prep TIME!
ISBN 9789463679022
Hoofdtitel Expect the unexpected
Ondertitel A comprehensive introduction in the PrepTIME crisismanagement system
Commerciële titel Expect the unexpected
Categorieën Management
Druk 1
Verschijningsvorm Paperback / softback
Verschijningsdatum 06-02-2018
Uitgever Mijnbestseller B.V.
Auteur Arjan de Pauw Gerlings, Bas Poelmann
Taal English
Illustraties Ja
Pagina's 104
Gewicht 213 gr
Formaat 240 x 170 x 10