
Balancing Reason and Emotion

Balancing Reason and Emotion


Balancing Reason and Emotion

van Cees Buys

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  • 14 dagen bedenktijd
  • 100% tevredenheid gegarandeerd
After a successful career as change or transition-manager in over sixty companies in the Netherlands (from small to large and to very complex), Cees Buys has developed his own effective approach to bring organizations on the road to excellence and to success. He says: "an organization is a collection of persons and a person is a collection of emotions who have reason too (the power to think). Use these both very important human assets carefully and be aware of the advantages when using them both harmoniously. Cees leads you with this book to the point where you can do it yourself, knowing that every human being has these both assets to use them effectively. Unfortunately many managers use primarily their rational side. Their emotions stay in a sort of sub conciousness. Be aware of the power of your emotions and use them well. The combination of consciously using both brain halves is a major success-recipe in both business and life. From the 60 companies he worked for, only one he could not finish until the end. Cees wishes to share his success-approach with you and wishing all readers every success they can possibly achieve with it.
ISBN 9789463673815
Hoofdtitel Balancing Reason and Emotion
Ondertitel You snooze, you lose!
Commerciële titel
Categorieën Management
Druk 1
Verschijningsvorm Paperback / softback
Verschijningsdatum 08-08-2018
Uitgever Mijnbestseller B.V.
Auteur Cees Buys
Taal English
Illustraties Ja
Pagina's 117
Gewicht 267 gr
Formaat 235 x 155 x 7