




by Emmanuel AWIAH

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A unique and fresh writeup because of its multidisciplinary approach, combining the most interesting pieces of different disciplines, with a very interesting aspect of theology - Patrick Develtere, professor, KU Leuven. This book presents a multidimensional evidence-based poverty alleviation paradigm which demonstrates that an integration of charity & justice, & other dichotomies of life is necessary to effectively deal with poverty - Johan De Tavernier, Dean and professor, Faculty of Theology & Religious Studies, KU Leuven. A ground-breaking, thought-provoking, courageous, & interdisciplinary scrutiny of catholic social teachings regarding poverty alleviation! Dr. Awiah proffers a convincing plaidoyer for a new, persuasive, brilliant, & praxis-oriented poverty alleviation tool - Eugene Suom-Dery, moral theologian, former lecturer/formator, St. Victor Seminary, Ghana, a prolific writer. The author employs a theological interdisciplinary approach to remarkably develop a poverty alleviation framework, highly theoretical but also very down to earth, exciting & enriching - Augustine Abasi, Theologian, Social & Cultural Anthropologist, former Senior Lecturer, UDS, Ghana.
ISBN 9789464483123
Subtitel A Holistic & Radical Approach to Poverty
Category Bijbels
Edition 1
Appearance Paperback / softback
Publication Date 22-12-2021
Publisher Brave New Books
Author Emmanuel AWIAH
Imprint Brave New Books
Language English
Illustraties Ja
Pages 299
Weight 574 gr
Format 240 x 170 x 27