
What Makes a High Performance Organization

What Makes a High Performance Organization


What Makes a High Performance Organization

by André de Waal

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How can today’s managers concentrate on what really matters to improve the performance of their organization, to reach outstanding goals? The answer is in What Makes an HPO. The five critical factors of the HPO Framework – Management Quality, Openness & Action-Orientation, Long-Term Orientation, Continuous Improvement & Renewal and Employee Quality – will help you turn your organization into an HPO. This book shows you what to concentrate on, how others have done it, and how to achieve it yourself. The HPO Framework is the result of a global five-year research project into the genuine success factors of High Performance Organizations (HPOs). The HPO Center, led by Dr de Waal, discovered what really works on the ground in every type of organization rather than what managers think should, or might have, worked. In his book André de Waal gives many real-life examples from a variety of sectors including Finance, Retail, Industry, ICT, High Education and Government, all illustrating the successful workings of the HPO Framework in organizations worldwide. Also included are many interviews with HPO leaders at Microsoft, SABMiller, Svenska Handelsbanken, HP, Tata Steel, Umpqua Bank, Unilever and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
ISBN 9789492004772
Title What Makes a High Performance Organization
Subtitel Five Validated Factors of Competitive Advantage that Apply Worldwide
Category Management algemeen
Edition 1
Appearance Paperback / softback
Publication Date 11-02-2019
Publisher Wardy Poelstra Projectmanagement
Author André de Waal
Imprint Warden Press
Language English
Illustraties Ja
Pages 344
Weight 585 gr
Format 234 x 156 x 22