
2 Explore the essence of your heart

2 Explore the essence of your heart


2 Explore the essence of your heart


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Guided by an ancient prophecy, some 25 years ago the Q'ero, the living descendants from the Inca's, came down from the Andean mountains. There they had lived for almost 500 years, secluded from the world. All these centuries they have guarded the traditional shamanistic ways of the paqo, the priest healer. Their preserved knowledge and pure wisdom now comes available from the source itself. In 2011 paqo's from Peru started their very own training in Center Serena in The Netherlands, which has now extended into Sweden and Peru as well. Their apprentices learn the authentic way of becoming a paqo, called a Pampamesayoq. Part 2 of this series of four is the result of the second year of the Center Serena training. The teachers guided the Western students further along this wonderful path of love and light. In this book they delve deeper into their extensive, ancient and sacred knowledge of the world of living energy. To contact the Q'ero shamans and for more information see the website of Serena,, or meet them on Facebook, page name Serena Anchanchu.
ISBN 9789491728044
Title 2 Explore the essence of your heart
Title(C) The Path of the Energetic Mystic, Part 2. Explore the Essence of Your Heart.
Category Spiritualiteit
Edition 1
Appearance Paperback / softback
Publication Date 12-11-2013
Publisher Vrije Uitgevers, De
Redacteur Inge Teunissen
Vertaler Dennis Alejo Mango
Imprint Trophonios Publishing
Language English
Illustraties Ja
Weight 301 gr
Format 203 x 130 x 22