
MQ [ Mechanics of the Quantum ] - Property 6 : Relativistic mass increase follows weakness curve of

MQ [ Mechanics of the Quantum ] - Property 6 : Relativistic mass increase follows weakness curve of


MQ [ Mechanics of the Quantum ] - Property 6 : Relativistic mass increase follows weakness curve of

by Koenraad M.L.L. Van Spaendonck

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‘Mechanics of the quantum’ [MQ] searches for the mechanical microprocesses of the individual and collective behaviour of unifying quanta (interpreted as building blocks of fields, mass, energy, light…) to reveal strong causality behind the laws of physics. In the current paper, we report the precise findings of yet another observation in strong support of ‘Mechanics of the Quantum’. We discovered a strong parallel between the weakness parameter for segmental arches, and the relativistic regime of Gamma, forced us to include a natural flattening of the quanta, insuring the transition from the Newtonian regime to relativistic effects, within the MQ-model. Thus generalizing the MQ-model. We measured the weakness level of increasingly lower segmental arches, and compared that curve to the curve of relativistic energy absorption, expressed by the Lorentz Factor or Gamma. We found a very close match, without any adjustments of data, with exact measurements in CAD software Rhinoceros 5.0 Commercial. (See graphs 1,2,3). Thus the MQ-model could resolve a.o. 'The problem of time'. And 'relativistic mass increase' gets a new physical causal interpretation from first principles.
ISBN 9789402182637
Title MQ [ Mechanics of the Quantum ] - Property 6 : Relativistic mass increase follows weakness curve of segmental arch
Category Natuurkunde algemeen
Edition 1
Appearance Paperback / softback
Publication Date 19-10-2018
Publisher Brave New Books
Author Koenraad M.L.L. Van Spaendonck
Imprint Brave New Books
Language Dutch
Illustraties Ja
Pages 40
Format x x