
Fit in or Stand out

Fit in or Stand out


Fit in or Stand out

by Anke Tusveld

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“Fit In or Stand Out is a very insightful exposure of the daily tension between conformity and staying true to your unique Talent" - Marga Mathijssen - VP Marketing at Unilever Are you working hard to meet high expectations? Meanwhile, ignoring your own whispering voice: Is this really what I want? What is my purpose?  Reaching for success at the expense of our authenticity leaves us feeling unfulfilled and ineffective.  Tackling the #1 dilemma for Authentic Leadership, Fit In or Stand Out is a call to everyone who changed themselves in order to fit in with the others to rediscover who they, themselves, really are. Aren’t you curious about what you can offer the world like no one else can? In this book, filled with real-life stories, traditional wisdom, pop-culture and scientifically proven strategies, you’ll: 1. Tackle what’s holding you back and increase your influence and impact. 2. Identify your unique Talent in 1 word and learn what you bring to the table to make a difference. 3. Practice with 6 Authenticity Enablers that teach you to perform in the heat of the moment. Page by page, you’ll stop comparing and competing and will be led by your confidence and creativity.
ISBN 9789402173390
Title Fit in or Stand out
Subtitel Use your Talent when it matters
Title(C) Fit in or Stand out
Category Leidinggeven, coachen
Edition 1
Appearance Paperback / softback
Publication Date 08-03-2018
Publisher Brave New Books
Author Anke Tusveld
Imprint Brave New Books
Language English
Illustraties Ja
Pages 246
Weight 338 gr
Format 215 x 135 x 23