
Komba and Baleo: Tall, Ugly and Green Thingies

Komba and Baleo: Tall, Ugly and Green Thingies


Komba and Baleo: Tall, Ugly and Green Thingies

by S. L. D'Souza

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Komba and Baleo is a children's story series written and illustrated by S. L. d'Souza. The stories are about two tiny and hardworking gorbugs who face several challenges whilst working and caring for their beautiful garden of Sira, a secret place in the Rengeti forest. Komba is the fast running gorbug and Baleo is the super flying bug who keep Sira very beautiful. In story one, Tall, Ugly and Green Thingies, Komba and Baleo come face-to-face with a gang of tall, menacing green thingies. As Komba and Baleo, and the many other gorbugs are confronted by these thingies, they must find a way out that helps them balance their need for peace and happiness, and for working their beloved garden. The pair has to find a solution quickly before the peace and tranquility of Sira fades away forever.
ISBN 9789402168334
Title Komba and Baleo: Tall, Ugly and Green Thingies
Subtitel Tall, Ugly and Green Thingies
Title(C) Komba and Baleo: Tall, Ugly and Green Thingies
Category Diversen
Edition 1
Appearance Hardback
Publication Date 18-10-2017
Publisher Brave New Books
Author S. L. D'Souza
Imprint Brave New Books
Language English
Illustraties Ja
Pages 82
Format x x