
Changing is standing still

Changing is standing still

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Changing is standing still

by Frans Meulmeester

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Standing still is moving backwards. This adagio is very common in organizations and management. However, taking the time to stand still will lead to a better understanding of the deeper, hidden dynamic of the organization. Resistance or disfunctional behavior of individuals or teams, become functional and usefull, the moment we can see it as usefull information about the hidden dynamic of the organization. This book offers a Gestalt perspective on organizations. After a short introduction on the Gestalt theory, it describes how a healthy and how an unhealthy organization can look like. And it offers a specific view on the principles of facilitating management. Changing is standing still brings a new perspective and challenges managers and coaches to review their way of thinking and intervening.
ISBN 9789402101454
Title Changing is standing still
Subtitel a gestalt perspective on organizations
Title(C) Changing is standing still
Category Mens en maatschappij
Edition 1
Appearance Paperback / softback
Publication Date 21-08-2013
Publisher Brave New Books
Author Frans Meulmeester
Imprint Brave New Books
Language Dutch
Illustraties Ja
Pages 98
Weight 180 gr
Format 235 x 155 x 9