
Monkey see, monkey do

Monkey see, monkey do

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Monkey see, monkey do

by Apenheul Primate Park, Patrick van Veen

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Biologist Patrick van Veen is an expert in the area of social relationships at work. To examine and understand behaviour and subsequently do something with that knowledge - this is one of the basic skills that Van Veen would like more managers to master. This book is packed with beautiful full colour photos that have all been taken in Apenheul and offers a fascinating view of the social behaviour of primates. Van Veen knows as no other how to draw parallels with the human world, in particular, the relationships we have at work. It is all about power and making an impression, group pressure and cooperating, communication and appearance. Everybody can use the book as a mirror and recognise themselves or their colleagues and hopefully they will pick up something that will ensure that their dealings with others will improve.
ISBN 9789080902060
Title Monkey see, monkey do
Subtitel Ape management at the office
Title(C) Monkey see, monkey do
Category Management algemeen
Appearance Paperback / softback
Publication Date 20-12-2017
Publisher Van Veen Info
Author Apenheul Primate Park, Patrick van Veen
lllustrator Apenheul
Imprint Van Veen Info
Language English
Illustraties Ja
Pages 128
Weight 267 gr
Format 220 x 140 x 10