
Little white fish deep beneath the sea

Little white fish deep beneath the sea

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Little white fish deep beneath the sea

by Guido van Genechten

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An adventurous story about the deep sea. For toddlers ages 30 months and up, with a focus on the child’s emotions. How deep is the sea? Little White Fish is curious. But his friends Little Goldfish, Little Turtle, and Octopus warn him: the sea is very deep and very dangerous. Yet Little White Fish wants to know . . .
ISBN 9781605375205
Title Little white fish deep beneath the sea
Category Peuterboeken
Edition 1
Appearance Hardback
Publication Date 15-06-2020
Publisher Clavis Uitgeverij
Author Guido van Genechten
lllustrator Guido van Genechten
Language English
Illustraties Ja
Pages 18
Weight 383 gr
Format 220 x 211 x 14